Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Blog

Welcome to the first Coopers Store Blog. There will be three of us regularly contributing to this blog, Pamela Fielding, Mark Wardle, and myself, Vaughan Cooper. Let us say from the beginning this blog will not change your life or perspective on life in any real substantial way. Our only hope is that it will be a good and informative read from week to week. This Blog will be used to keep you updated with everything that is happening and upcoming at Coopers Store. So if you want to know when the sales, new releases, product launches, and VIP nights are, then we encourage you to visit this blog more than just today. We each share a passion for design and creativity, so in our own unique ways we will be sharing that with you as well. It is our promise to you that this blog will be updated weekly by one of us!

Let me start off by saying I love what we do; designing and building furniture I believe is a privilege. Despite the mass production market taking over the furniture industry (I’ll leave that for another discussion) I am proud to be part of a small group of furniture companies that still recognize the value and the need to make beautiful and high quality furniture. We have a responsibility to not make throw away furniture but to make furniture in such a way that it could be the antiques for the next generation to enjoy. At the end of the day the only mark we can use to measure our success is whether our clients are happy and proud of the furniture we have made them, if the furniture is fulfilling its task and is pleasing for people to have in their homes then we are successful, we’ll let the future judge us on whether they are worthy to become antiques or not?

Kind Regards
